Biyernes, Hulyo 8, 2011

Classroom Debate - a realization !!!

I have experienced debate on classrooms before, where the class is divided into groups and each will stand for their beliefs and defend it as much as they can. I just experienced a class debate recently, where we are divided into six groups and given three questions to defend, each group will have another group to be their critic and asks questions to them, the rests of the groups will grade the defenders. If you’re the defender you should defend your answers from the critics, and grade them based on their performance.
    At first, I became nervous because you should know well about the topics given by the professor to defend, but then it was a relief because it is your classmates who will be the critic (still my professor graded us individually). Being the first group to present, our presentation went well, we exchange ideas with our critic, they disagree with some of our answers, and it became intense (haha!!). As it continue we keep on giving each other words that may convince the other group. In the end we have to grade them and grade us back (it depends on the grade they gave us if their convinced with what were saying :D). All the groups defend their side and critic another group. After all its still a fair play.
    Having a debate is such a nice experience, you've got to be on the front of the class discussing and critic them back (it’s time for revenge :P). Being in front of the class as the defender, is a good way to gain confidence (or to lessen your so called stage fright) so when the time came that you have to face critics again you will not feel so nervous. As being a critic you should be very observant with what others say, you can disagree but still you should be open-minded with their answers (it's fine if you were convinced), you should not be bias and don’t take it personally.